Our proprietary process gets your data encrypted, transmitted and stored through our state of the art satellite array. Your content is initially stored locally within our super secret server bunker protected by a MagnetoPlasmic Repulsar Field (trademark pending) powered by a completely green geothermal energy transducers located several miles under a remote mountain range. Data is then methodically broadcast up to our geosynchronous satellite web where your data is encrypted using our quantum bilateral encryption technology. From there we bounce your data through a series of parallel redundant transitional satellites spanning all the way to our various data centers sprinkled around the solar system, with our main facility located within the walls of Olympus Mons on Mars. In case of disruption our satellites implements various algorithms derived from the Nash Equilibrium to find the most beneficial and efficient path to store your data safely and securely. Our martian armed guards are on staff 25 hours a day to provide that last bit of security, to allow you to have one last comfortable night's sleep, knowing that your data, business and personal, will be ready for you when you need it in the post-apocalyptic rebuild.
What documents and memories would you keep safe for the end of the world?